Dr Susanna Cramb


B. App. Sc. (Med. Sc.) QUT 2001, MPH&TM JCU 2004, Grad.Cert. Sc. (Stat.) UQ 2007, Ph.D. QUT 2015

Research Interests

  • Bayesian hierarchical models
  • Spatial statistics
  • Cancer epidemiology
  • Survival models
  • Obesity

Project Description

Spatio-temporal modelling of cancer data in Queensland using Bayesian methods

My PhD project focused on developing and refining Bayesian hierarchical models to facilitate analysis of the Queensland Cancer Registry dataset. This enabled better understanding of the spatial and temporal associations for diagnostic and survival outcomes for Queenslanders diagnosed with cancer. My current work continues to apply Bayesian hierarchical models to cancer data in the Australian context.


 Peer-reviewed journal article

  1. Baade PD, Dasgupta P, Dickman PW, Cramb SM, Williamson JD, Condon JR, Garvey G. Quantifying the changes in survival inequality for Indigenous people diagnosed with cancer in Queensland, Australia. Cancer Epidemiol 2016, 43:1-8.
  2. Kang SY, Cramb SM, White NM, Ball SJ, Mengersen KL. Making the most of spatial information in health: A tutorial in Bayesian disease mapping for areal data. Geospat Health 2016,11(2):428
  3. Hsieh JCF, Cramb SM, McGree JM, Baade PD, Mengersen KL. Geographic variation in the choice of adjuvant treatments for women diagnosed with screen-detected breast cancer in Queensland. BMC Public Health 2015, 15(1):1204.
  4. Hsieh JCF, Cramb SM, McGree JM, Dunn NAM, Baade PD, Mengersen KL. Does geographic location impact the survival differential between screen- and interval-detected breast cancer? Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess 2015, 1-11.
  5. Cramb SM, Baade PD, White NM, Ryan LM, Mengersen KL. 2015. Inferring lung cancer risk factor patterns through joint Bayesian spatio-temporal analysis. Cancer Epidemiol 2015, 39(3):430-439.
  6. Dasgupta P, Cramb SM, Aitken JF, Turrell G, Baade PD. Comparing multilevel and Bayesian spatial random effects survival models to assess geographical inequalities in colorectal cancer survival: a case study. Int J Health Geogr, 2014. 13:36.
  7. Youlden DR, Cramb SM, Yip CH, Baade PD. Incidence and mortality of female breast cancer in the Asia-Pacific region. Cancer Biol Med 2014, 11(2):101-115.
  8. Hsieh JCF, Cramb SM, McGree JM, Baade PD, Dunn NAM, Mengersen KL. Bayesian spatial analysis for the evaluation of breast cancer detection methods. Aust N Z J Stat 2013, 55(4):351-367.
  9. Youlden DR, Cramb SM, Peters S, Porceddu SV, Moller H, Fritschi L, Baade PD. International comparisons of the incidence and mortality of sinonasal cancer. Cancer Epidemiol 2013, 37(6):770-779.
  10. Baade PD, Youlden DR, Cramb SM, Dunn J, Gardiner RA. Epidemiology of prostate cancer in the Asia-Pacific region. Prostate Int 2013, 1(2):47-58.
  11. Cramb SM, Mengersen KL, Turrell G, Baade PD. Spatial inequalities in colorectal and breast cancer survival: premature deaths and associated factors. Health & Place 2012, 18(6):1412-1421.
  12. Youlden DR, Cramb SM, Dunn NAM, Muller JM, Pyke CM, Baade PD. The descriptive epidemiology of female breast cancer: an international comparison of screening, incidence, survival and mortality. Cancer Epidemiol 2012, 36(3):237-248.
  13. Cramb SM, Garvey G, Valery P, Williamson JD, Baade PD. The first year counts: cancer survival among Indigenous and non-Indigenous Queenslanders, 1997-2006. Med J Aust 2012, 196(4):270-274.
  14. Cramb SM, Mengersen KL, Baade PD. Identification of area-level influences on regions of high cancer incidence in Queensland, Australia: a classification tree approach. BMC Cancer 2011, 11:311.
  15. Cramb SM, Mengersen KL, Baade PD. Developing the Atlas of Cancer in Queensland: Methodological issues. Int J Health Geogr 2011, 10:9.
  16. Mamun AA, O’Callaghan MJ, Cramb SM, Najman JM, Williams, GM and Bor, W, Childhood Behavioral Problems Predict Young Adults’ BMI and Obesity: Evidence From a Birth Cohort Study. Obesity (Silver Spring), 2009, 17(4): 761-6.
  17. Mamun AA, Cramb SM, O’Callaghan MJ, Williams GM and Najman JM, Childhood overweight status predicts diabetes at age 21 years: A follow-up study. Obesity (Silver Spring), 2009, 17(6): 1255-61.
  18. Youlden DR, Cramb SM and Baade PD, The International Epidemiology of Lung Cancer: geographical distribution and secular trends. J Thorac Oncol, 2008, 3(8): 819-31.
  19. Mamun AA, Lawlor DA, Cramb S, O’Callaghan M, Williams G and Najman J, Do childhood sleeping problems predict obesity in young adulthood? Evidence from a prospective birth cohort study. Am J Epidemiol, 2007, 166(12): 1368-73.
  20. Mamun AA, Cramb S, McDermott BM, O’Callaghan M, Najman JM and Williams GM, Adolescents’ perceived weight associated with depression in young adulthood: a longitudinal study. Obesity (Silver Spring), 2007, 15(12): 3097-105.

Peer-reviewed monographs

  1. Cramb SM, Mengersen KL, Baade PD, 2011. Atlas of Cancer in Queensland: geographical variation in incidence and survival, 1998 to 2007. Viertel Centre for Research in Cancer Control, Cancer Council Queensland. Brisbane, Queensland.
  2. Youlden DR, Cramb SM and Baade PD, 2009. Current Status of Female Breast Cancer in Queensland: 1982 to 2006. Viertel Centre for Research in Cancer Control, Cancer Council Queensland: Brisbane.
  3. Youlden DR, Cramb SM and Baade PD, 2008. Current Status of Colorectal Cancer in Queensland:1982 to 2005. Viertel Centre for Research in Cancer Control, Cancer Council Queensland: Brisbane.
  4. Youlden DR, Cramb SM and Baade PD, 2007. Current Status of Lung Cancer in Queensland:1982 to 2004. Viertel Centre for Research in Cancer Control, The Cancer Council Queensland: Brisbane.

 Book chapters

  1. Earnest A, Cramb SM, White NM. 2013. Disease mapping using Bayesian hierarchical models. In: Case Studies in Bayesian Statistical Modelling and Analysis, eds. Alston, C, Mengersen, K, Pettitt, A. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford.


Cancer Council Queensland